たぶん みんなは 知らないこと(読みもの)
Things Probably No One Knows
カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Books、おすすめ!日本の子どもの本、読みもの/chapter books and novels

『たぶん みんなは 知らないこと』
出版社 | 講談社 |
初版年 | 2022年 |
ISBN | 978-4-06-527043-1 |
ページ数 | 192頁 |
サイズ | 20x14cm |
対象年齢 | 11歳から |
キーワード | 知的障害、特別支援学校、家族、コミュ ニケーション |
Things Probably No One Knows
Suzu, a fifth grader, has a severe intellectual disability and is unable to speak. The story depicts her daily life at a special-needs school. While mainly narrated by the voice in Suzu’s mind, other perspectives are presented through communications between her mother and homeroom teacher, her older brother’s blog which he writes instead of a diary, and class newsletters.
Suzu develops slowly, supported by others as she learns to get dressed, eat, and go to the bathroom. Sometimes she tries a little harder, to prove that she’s grown up. Sometimes she endures things patiently out of consideration for her family and friends. Her honesty, gentleness, and inner strength are moving. But it’s not all nice. Sometimes people tease her and say heartless things. Suzu’s brother wonders if her life is even worth living when she’s so useless. He concludes, however, that her existence in this world is important to him, a realization that reveals the deep feelings of the author, who works at a special-needs school.
One snowy day, Suzu goes outside alone while her family are out. The reader experiences her feelings of elation, impatience, anxiety, and accomplishment, and at the same time, encounters the rich world that unfolds within Suzu’s mind. It’s clear that while people who live with disabilities require support and assistance, they are not merely weak and vulnerable. They also give something to others through their very existence. The book leaves the reader feeling hopeful and uplifted, reassured that we are all good enough, just the way we are. (Sasaoka)
- Text: FUKUDA Takahiro | Ill. SHINYA Yuko
- Kodansha
- 2022
- 192 pages
- 20x14cm
- ISBN 978-4-06-527043-1
- Ages 11 +
Intellectual disability, Special-needs school, Family, Communication