Tales of Solo Swamp
カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Books、おすすめ!日本の子どもの本、読みもの/chapter books and novels

出版社 | 岩波書店 |
初版年 | 2022年 |
ISBN | 9784001160376 |
ページ数 | 184頁 |
サイズ | 19x16cm |
対象年齢 | 11歳から |
キーワード | 自然、生きもの、生存競争、生と死 |
Tales of Solo Swamp
A distinctive fantasy that depicts the lives of diverse creatures and insects inhabiting Solo Swamp. This mythical, reddish-black swamp lies in a deep, dark forest where the wind stops and sound disappears. Long ago, many large frogs from faraway lands moved there and lived happily, but they devoured all the smaller creatures and then each other, until only one was left. That frog, along with a huge tree that had a cavernous hole in it, became the guardian deity of the swamp. Sometimes, the tree’s cavern sucks in the wind with a roar, occasionally swallowing a passing deer or wild boar along with it. A three-day-old water strider skates across the swamp, down the wide river which flows through the plain and into the sea where it is met by countless waves and seems to vanish into the blue sky. A short, smart-aleck grasshopper sent to the school of the reputable Professor Mole cricket undergoes a complete metamorphosis, growing up strong and sturdy. Other episodes include the strange tale of a swallowtail butterfly and a silver ladybug, as well as a dragonfly race, and the battle of the millipedes. All portray the epic drama of life and death and survival of the fittest. This is the first novel by this miniature artist, who is highly acclaimed for his unique picture books on insect ecology, and his beautiful illustrations with their
delicate depictions of nature complement the text. (Nogami)
- Text/ Ill. TATENO Hiroshi
- Iwanami Shoten
- 2022
- 184 pages
- 19x16cm
- ISBN 9784001160376
- Ages 11 +
Nature, Living creatures, Struggle for survival, Life and death