The Summer When I Met Sky and Earth
カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Books、おすすめ!日本の子どもの本、読みもの/chapter books and novels

出版社 | くもん出版 |
初版年 | 2022年 |
ISBN | 9784774333793 |
ページ数 | 184頁 |
サイズ | 20x14cm |
対象年齢 | 11歳から |
キーワード | 非血縁家族、異種の友だち、夏休み |
The Summer When I Met Sky and Earth
Riichiro, a sixth grader, gets good grades and excels at sports and piano, but he hates anything illogical. He also doesn’t like wasting his time on unnecessary things. One day, Misora, a student in the class next door, loses her ticket at the station and Riichiro lends her the fare. Misora introduces him to Natsuki, a senior high school student who is teaching Misora baking, and his younger brother Hiroto. Hiroto used to be Riichiro’s classmate until he transferred to a different school, and the two haven’t seen each other since. Riichiro is surprised to hear that Natsuki and Hiroto aren’t biological brothers. “Even though we aren’t biologically related, we’re truly family,” they say. Riichiro feels as if the world he knows has been turned upside down.
Misora is cheerful and energetic, but she’s also laid back and sloppy. Hiroto tends to skip school and is always thinking about odd things. Unlike Riichiro, neither are good at getting things done. But once he begins spending time with them, Riichiro begins to change. He goes so far as to lie to his parents so that he can skip piano lessons during the summer and go for walks along the trail in the nearby forest. He watches the leaves glistening in the sun, climbs up to a tree house, and lies on a hilltop gazing at the sky. This refreshing story depicts a summer in which children broaden their horizons through friendships with people who are different and learning to accept other people’s values as they take their next step forward. (Sakuma)
- Text: HAMANO Kyoko | Ill. Shirako
- Kumon Shuppan
- 2022
- 184 pages
- 20x14cm
- ISBN 9784774333793
- Ages 11 +
Found family, Unusual friends, Summer vacation