Eighteen Portraits: A Collection of Short Stories by Sachiko Kashiwaba
カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Books、おすすめ!日本の子どもの本、読みもの/chapter books and novels

東日本大震災を題材にした作品が2編、カッパや鬼、魔女など、不思議なモノが登場する作品が10 編、多様な家族のありようや人と人との関係を描いた作品が6編入った短編集。
出版社 | 理論社 |
初版年 | 2022年 |
ISBN | 978-4-652-20483-2 |
ページ数 | 224頁 |
サイズ | 19x14cm |
対象年齢 | 11歳から |
キーワード | 短編集、不思議、東日本大震災 |
Eighteen Portraits: A Collection of Short Stories by Sachiko Kashiwaba
This collection includes two short stories related to the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, ten featuring mysterious creatures like kappa, demons, and witches, and six about diverse family situations and relationships.
In one story, a boy waits for his father to come give him a kendo lesson, but his father died in the earthquake. In another, a guardian deity attends a farewell party for children changing schools after the earthquake. Relieved
to see them smiling again, he reassures them he’ll watch over the children taken by the sea.
There’s the tale of snowmen who come to rescue their buddy when he’s taken home by a girl to cheer up her sick brother, the legend of a mother who stops to nurse her baby in the mountain pass and is approached by a
mountain baby who wants to drink too, and the story of a witch who tells a girl to think about her school’s sixth wonder. In one story, a girl is found in a field of rape blossoms and welcomed into a new family as if she was their daughter, and in another, a girl visits an elderly woman who lives alone. The child’s identity is revealed at the end.
The author depicts families that aren’t blood relations and the ambiguous line between the real world and the spirit world, giving us an interesting glimpse of how humans look from the perspective of that other world. Stories influenced by folktales from Tohoku, the author’s birthplace, reveal the region’s rich culture. (Doi)
- Text: KASHIWABA Sachiko | Ill. UEDA Tateri
- Rironsha
- 2022
- 224 pages
- 19x14cm
- ISBN 978-4-652-20483-2
- Ages 11 +
Short stories, Supernatural, Great East Japan Earthquake