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Shanshan, Summer News

浅野竜 作 | 中村隆 絵 Text: ASANO Ryu | Ill. NAKAMURA Takashi

カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Booksおすすめ!日本の子どもの本読みもの/chapter books and novels



出版社 講談社
初版年 2022年
ISBN 978-4-06-526387-7
ページ数 160頁
サイズ 20x14cm
対象年齢 11歳から
キーワード 夏休み、友だち、転校生、セミ

Shanshan, Summer News

No one wants to take care of the pet lizard in Nobuto’s class over the summer holidays. Yuichi, the top student
who transferred in last year, tries to make Nobuto take it. Nobuto puts the lizard on Chitose’s desk. Chitose, a
new student who lives near Nobuto, takes care of the school’s animals, but she grabs the lizard and throws it out the window.
“We’ll never be able to catch it again,” Nobuto protests.
“Who cares?” Chitose says. “It’s just like me. Nobody likes it.”
The local children’s association organizes radio exercises during summer vacation. Nobuto is happy to be put in charge of checking attendance, but he’s the only sixth grader who comes. There are few long-term farming families like Nobuto’s left, and the children’s association is losing its cohesion. Nobuto’s mother asks him to take Chitose’s family some tomatoes. When he arrives, he inadvertently scares away a black cicada Chitose is trying to catch.
She tells him they’re rare in this area, and Nobuto decides to do his summer project on black cicadas. He invites Yuichi to join him, but Yuichi tries to keep all the information to himself so he can get top marks. Chitose lives with her father, a newspaper delivery man, and moves repeatedly. Her developing friendship with Nobuto’s mother and sister brings her some relief. When she moves yet again, summer vacation comes to an end.
Through Nobuto’s eyes, the novel provides a unique window onto the loneliness children experience and their growth in diverse environments. “Shanshan“ in the title is an onomatopoeia for the sounds of black cicadas,
symbolising summer. (Doi)

  • Text: ASANO Ryu | Ill. NAKAMURA Takashi
  • Kodansha
  • 2022
  • 160 pages
  • 20x14cm
  • ISBN 978-4-06-526387-7
  • Ages 11 +

Summer vacation, Friends, New student, Cicada