Keke, the Half-Witch Girl: Spin-off Stories 3 of Kiki’s Delivery Service
カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Books、おすすめ!日本の子どもの本、読みもの/chapter books and novels

『ケケと半分魔女——魔女の宅急便 特別編その3』
「魔女の宅急便」3 巻目には、とがった態度をとるものの、「その裏にはさびしさや、不安や、自信のなさを抱えている」少女ケケが登場していた。本書は、そのケケが大人になってから書いた物語という体裁になっている。その物語の主人公は、ケケに似た少女タタ。母親はタタが4歳のときに亡くなり、父親とおばさんに育てられている。いつも自分は「半分」だと感じて満ち足りない思いを抱えているタタは、ある日、屋根裏部屋で母親の遺品を見つけ、「あなたのはんぶん あなたがさがす」と歌う声を聞く。
その後「ヤマアラシの針みたいにとんがって」不良少女と言われるようになったタタは、もうすぐ15 歳という時、母の遺した『おわりのとびら』の本を抱えて家出し、時間が行ったり来たりする「たいせつなものを探してる人の森」をひとりでさまよう。そしてその森で、一緒に歌った女の子を探しているノビノくん、おばあちゃんの「ちゃんとした名前」を探しているヒロッコちゃん、お店を開いているクラエさんなど、不思議な人たちに出会う。
出版社 | 福音館書店 |
初版年 | 2022年 |
ISBN | 978-4-8340-8643-0 |
ページ数 | 248頁 |
サイズ | 21x16cm |
対象年齢 | 11歳から |
キーワード | さがしもの、不思議、森、思春期 |
Keke, the Half-Witch Girl: Spin-off Stories 3 of Kiki’s Delivery Service
A spin-off of the Kiki’s Delivery Service series by a Hans Christian Andersen Award-winning author. The story is presented as an account written after the fact by a woman called Keke, who comes across as sharp and angry, although “behind her attitude is loneliness, insecurity, and lack of confidence,” according to the author’s afterword.
The protagonist of the story is a girl called Tata, who resembles Keke. Tata’s mother died when she was only four years old, and she is being raised by her father and aunt. Tata is not content with herself, feeling that she is only “half” there. One day, she comes across her mother’s belongings in the attic and hears a voice singing “Your other half, you need to search for yourself.”
Tata cannot forget this song, and people start calling her a bad girl who is “as prickly as a porcupine’s quills.” Just before her fifteenth birthday, she runs away from home taking her mother’s book The Final Door with her, and wanders alone in the “forest of people looking for something precious” where time is fluid. In the forest she meets some mysterious individuals, including a boy called Nobino, who is looking for a girl who had a guitar she’d made herself and who sang together with him; a little girl called Hirokko, whose grandmother told her “I must have a proper name too. Find it for me!”; and a woman called Kurae, who runs a strange store.
The work is an allegorical depiction of an adolescent girl’s anxious search for herself. Drawing on elements of fantasy, backed up by the author’s keen observation and insight into human nature, this is a story that will resonate with readers. (Sakuma)
- Text: KADONO Eiko | Ill. SATAKE Miho
- Fukuinkan Shoten
- 2022
- 248 pages
- 21x16cm
- ISBN 978-4-8340-8643-0
- Ages 11 +
Searching, Wonder, Forest, Adolescence