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風の神 送れよ(読みもの)

Wind God, Take It Away!

熊谷千世子 作 | くまおり純 絵 Text: KUMAGAI Chiseko | Ill. KUMAORI Jun

カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Booksおすすめ!日本の子どもの本読みもの/chapter books and novels

『風の神 送れよ』


出版社 小峰書店
初版年 2021年
ISBN 978-4-338-30807-6
ページ数 196頁
サイズ 20x14cm
対象年齢 11歳から
キーワード 伝統行事、神様、疫病

Wind God, Take It Away!

In southern Nagano where sixth grader Yuto lives, a ritual called the Koto Yoka is held every year around February 8th.
On the first evening, the participants go from house to house in the village chanting Buddhist prayers and collecting heisoku (ornamental offerings of rope and paper) and bamboo grasses. Early in the morning on the second day, they take all the heisoku and bamboo grasses out of the village to throw them away, in order to drive  the god of contagious diseases out of the village. Children from ages eight to twelve lead everything, from the preparations to the rituals. Beforehand, they make flags, and they practice playing the gongs and taiko drums and chanting.
This year, a seventh grader called Ryo is in charge, with the younger Yuto, who is generally considered lazy and unreliable, as his assistant. However, three days before the ritual, Ryo breaks a bone, and Yuto is forced to take his place. Yuto lacks confidence and worries terribly. He wishes the event could be canceled, but the village decides to go ahead with it to get rid of Covid.
This book vividly depicts children feeling the weight of history through a ritual that has been handed down through generations. They become aware of being community members as they listen to the stories of elders, overcome difficulties such as snow, sleet, injuries, and arguments, and help one another grow. Incidentally, this ritual is still held today, and the author wrote this story because she was so moved by seeing the children carrying it out. (Sakuma)

  • Text: KUMAGAI Chiseko | Ill. KUMAORI Jun
  • Komine Shoten
  • 2021
  • 196 pages
  • 20x14cm
  • ISBN 978-4-338-30807-6
  • Ages 11 +

Traditional events, Gods, Pandemic