Leon the Chameleon: Five Secret Days
カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Books、おすすめ!日本の子どもの本、読みもの/chapter books and novels

『カメレオンのレオン ないしょの五日間』
レオンはそんなふたりの思いを探ったり、助けたりしながら、ふたりが入れ替わった秘密の5 日間の謎を解いていく。学校の現実を描きつつ、ユーモアあふれる別の世界を重ねて見せてくれる「カメレオンのレオン」シリーズの3 作目。(奥山)
出版社 | 偕成社 |
初版年 | 2022年 |
ISBN | 978-4-03-610200-6 |
ページ数 | 240頁 |
サイズ | 22x16cm |
対象年齢 | 9歳から |
キーワード | ファンタジー、学校、カメレオン、親子 |
Leon the Chameleon: Five Secret Days
Sakura Wakaba Island is connected to the human world of Sakura Wakaba Elementary School by several passages. Detective Leon, a chameleon who can change not only his color but also his appearance, travels between the two worlds to solve all kinds of cases. Sakura Wakaba Island is populated with unusual characters who cause incidents and give Leon advice, such the Rabbit Brothers who are circus performers with mysterious flying skills, and Hikizaemon, a frog who dresses as a samurai and teaches history at a high school.
The protagonist of this story is elementary school pupil Subaru, a chameleon whose father is the president of a large company. His parents want him to take over the company and expect him to hide the fact that he is a chameleon, so he asks Kyotaro, a sixth grader at his elementary school, to switch places with him. Kyotaro, who has been bullied by his classmates, accepts the swap, and the two manage to see their own problems from a distance and seek ways to solve them. Leon investigates their secret and helps them as he solves the mystery of the five-day swapping incident.
This is the third book in the “Leon the Chameleon” series, which depicts the reality of school while contrasting it with a parallel world full of humor. (Okuyama)
- Text/Ill. OKADA Jun
- Kaiseisha
- 2022
- 240 pages
- 22x16cm
- ISBN 978-4-03-610200-6
- Ages 9 +
Fantasy, School, Chameleon, Parent and child