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草のふえを ならしたら(読みもの)

Friends in the Fields

林原玉枝 作 | 竹上妙 画 Text: HAYASHIBARA Tamae | Ill. TAKEGAMI Tae

カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Booksおすすめ!日本の子どもの本読みもの/chapter books and novels

『草のふえを ならしたら』

「ねぎのふえで よんでね」では、みそ汁を作るのが得意なまこちゃんが、具のねぎの青いところをちぎって口にくわえ、息を吹き込むと「ブイッ ブイブイッブブブウ…」と音が鳴る。まるでブタの鳴き声のような音をおもしろがっていたら、突然ブタが現れた。料理の味見が得意だというブタに、まこちゃんはみそ汁の味見をお願いする。味見のはずが2度もおかわりして、すっかりおなかいっぱいになったブタは大満足。仲よくなったふたりは、ねぎの笛を味見の合図にすると約束する。
「カラスノエンドウ プピップピ」では、カラスノエンドウのさやで豆笛を作っていた、たえちゃんのところにネズミがやってきて、笛を作る時にさやから出した豆をもらっていいかと聞く。たえちゃんが豆を拾うのを手伝っていると、ネズミの子どもたちも集まってくる。ネズミの親子は、拾った豆で豆ごはんを食べるのだと大喜びで歌をうたう。たえちゃんもうれしくなり、歌に合わせて笛を鳴らす。身近な植物への興味がかき立てられ、ユーモラスなイラストも物語によく合っている。(笹岡)

出版社 福音館書店
初版年 2022年
ISBN 978-4-8340-8657-7
ページ数 128頁
サイズ 21x16cm
対象年齢 7歳から
キーワード 草笛、動物、短編集

Friends in the Fields

A collection of eight short stories for children featuring whistles made of grass, flowers, and nuts. Amusingly expressive onomatopoeic words are used for the sound of the whistle and animals cries in each story, and the friendly interactions between animals and children are heartwarming.
In “Call Me with a Leek Whistle,” little Mako is making miso soup, which she is good at. She tears off the green part of the leek she is putting in the soup and makes it into a whistle. She blows into it and is amused when it makes a sound like a pig’s squeal. Suddenly a pig appears and says he is good at tasting food, so Mako-chan asks him to taste her miso soup. The pig was supposed to be just tasting the soup, but has two second helpings and, completely stuffed, is as pleased as can be. The two become good friends and promise to use the leek whistle as a signal for tasting food.
In “Peapod Pupippupi,” little Tae is making a whistle from a common vetch peapod when a mother mouse comes and asks her if she can have the peas she took out of the pod to make the whistle. As Tae is helping the mouse pick up the peas, the mouse’s children also gather around in delight and sing a song about eating the peas with rice. Tae is so happy that she plays her whistle along with the song.
Other stories include “The Racoon Dog’s Restaurant,” in which Tomo comes to dig bamboo shoots, and when he plays his bamboo whistle a racoon dog brings some things to swap with him, and “The Orange Foxtail Concert,” in which Yutaka walks around playing his orange foxtail whistle as animals gather one by one around him. The humorous illustrations are well suited to the stories and stimulate interest in common plants. (Sasaoka)

  • Text: HAYASHIBARA Tamae | Ill. TAKEGAMI Tae
  • Fukuinkan Shoten
  • 2022
  • 128 pages
  • 21x16cm
  • ISBN 978-4-8340-8657-7
  • Ages 7 +

Grass whistles, Animals, Short story collection