かせいじんの おねがい(読みもの)
A Martian’s Request
カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Books、おすすめ!日本の子どもの本、読みもの/chapter books and novels

『かせいじんの おねがい』
友だちの家から帰る途中、ぼくは変なおじさんに声をかけられる。おじさんは火星人だと言い、火星人は、よりよい火星人になるために、暇さえあればいろいろな修行をするのだと言う。一言もしゃべらないでうなずくだけとか、他の人が残した物しか食べないとか、それ以外の変な修行の数々が、作者自身による挿し絵にも描かれていて笑ってしまう。それらのなかでも、最高の修行は、火星の1年にあたる687 日のあいだ、地球人の振りをして地球で修業を積み、最後に正体を明かした人の協力で火星に帰ることだと言う。火星人は嘘がつけないし、けんかもしない。人を信じて仲よくする。そうしないと火星では生きていけないのだ。
出版社 | 童心社 |
初版年 | 2021年 |
ISBN | 978-4- 494-02074-4 |
ページ数 | 72頁 |
サイズ | 20x16cm |
対象年齢 | 7歳から |
キーワード | 宇宙、虚実、戦争、愛、平和 |
A Martian’s Request
I was on my way home from a friend’s house when I came across a strange old man who made a strange request: to help him return to Mars.
He told me that he was a Martian, and that Martians do all kinds of training in their spare time to become better Martians. The illustrations, by the author himself, depict the strange kinds of training practice they do, such as not speaking and only nodding their head, or eating only other people’s leftovers, and are very funny. The highest level of training is to live on Earth for 687 days, the Martian year, pretending to be an Earthling without being found out, and at the end reveal themselves to someone who will help them return to Mars.
Martians do not lie or fight. They trust people and get along with them, otherwise, they would not be able to survive on Mars. Earthlings, however, lie with impunity, cheat, fight, and even go to war. He said that even if Martians live on Earth, which is full of conflicts and deceit, and get a taste for lying and fighting, once they return to Mars they will trust people and live together as they used to.
Listening to the old man, people on Earth seem like savage creatures. I didn’t manage to help him get back to Mars, but one evening, I saw him holding hands with a young man carrying a guitar on his back, before disappearing into the sky shining and sparkling.
This book conveys the importance of love and peace while offering a nonsense story with humorous and heartwarming illustrations. (Nogami)
- Text/Ill. ITO Hiroshi
- Doshinsha
- 2021
- 72 pages
- 20x16cm
- ISBN 978-4- 494-02074-4
- Ages 7 +
Space, War, Love, Peace