北守将軍と 三人兄弟の医者(絵本)
The General and the Three Doctor Brothers
カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Books、おすすめ!日本の子どもの本、絵本/picture books

『北守将軍と 三人兄弟の医者』
北の砂漠で30 年も戦い、やっとのことで生還した北守将軍。長い間、馬から降りる暇もなく、とうとう体が鞍にくっついて離れず、おまけに顔や手に灰色をした不思議なものが一面に生えていた。そこで三人兄弟の医者のところに駆け込み、それぞれの特異な医術のおかげで将軍の体は馬と離れ、馬も将軍も元どおりの姿に。王様は将軍を大将にすると言うが、将軍はそれを断って生まれ故郷にもどり仙人になったという。生前に発表された数少ない賢治童話の、戦争の不条理を象徴するかのような物語を、ダイナミックで濃密に描き込んだ絵が素晴らしい。(野上)
出版社 | 三起商行 |
初版年 | 2021年 |
ISBN | 978-4-89588- 147-0 |
ページ数 | 72頁 |
サイズ | 26x25cm |
対象年齢 | 9歳から |
キーワード | 医者、砂漠、馬 |
The General and the Three Doctor Brothers
General Son Ba-yu comes home after thirty years fighting in the northern desert. He has never had a chance to dismount his horse, so his body sticks to his saddle, and a strange gray fuzz covers his face and hands. He consults three doctor brothers, and thanks to their unique skills, he finally dismounts. He and his horse return to normal. The king then tries to promote Son Ba-yu, but the general declines and retires to his village, becoming a mountain hermit. Author Kenji Miyazawa died in obscurity in 1933 at age 37, but he is now revered as a major children’s author of the modern era. This story shows war’s absurdity, and the detailed paintings by an artist often nominated for the Biennial of Illustrations Bratislava are marvelous. (Nogami)
- Text: MIYAZAWA Kenji | Ill. SUZUKI Koji
- Miki House
- 2021
- 72 pages
- 26x25cm
- ISBN 978-4-89588- 147-0
- Ages 9 +
Doctors, Desert, Horses