はだしで あるく(絵本)
Walking with Bare Feet
カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Books、おすすめ!日本の子どもの本、絵本/picture books

『はだしで あるく』
出版社 | あすなろ書房 |
初版年 | 2022年 |
ISBN | 978-4-7515-3114-3 |
ページ数 | 36頁 |
サイズ | 28x23cm |
対象年齢 | 9歳から |
キーワード | 身体、自然、地球 |
Walking with Bare Feet
When a girl sees a crow pecking at a watermelon in the field, she removes her galoshes and chases it away in bare feet. The bottoms of the girl’s feet get caked with dirt from the field, and they sting from pebbles in the asphalt road. But walking in bare feet makes her feel like king of the street! She strides and swaggers. When she steps on a manhole, it’s hot enough to burn—so she races down a bank and walks in the stream. The boldly composed illustrations, showing the bottoms of the girl’s feet in close-up and the blue sky far above, are dynamic and striking. The girl feels the earth with her feet, touching nature and even small creatures. Her untamed side awakens, fresh and wild! (Nogami)
- Text: MURANAKA Rie | Ill. ISHIKAWA Eriko
- Asunaro Shobo
- 2022
- 36 pages
- 28x23cm
- ISBN 978-4-7515-3114-3
- Ages 9 +
Bodies, Nature, Earth