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The Night of the River Festival

岩城範枝 作 | 出久根 育 絵 Text: IWAJO Hatsue | Ill. DEKUNE Iku

カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Booksおすすめ!日本の子どもの本絵本/picture books



出版社 フレーベル館
初版年 2022年
ISBN 9784577050019
ページ数 32頁
サイズ 28x23cm
対象年齢 3歳から
キーワード 川、祭り、ファンタジー

The Night of the River Festival

Ryu goes to stay with his grandpa. As they have dinner together, they hear the sound of flutes and taiko drums outside, and his grandpa says it must be coming from some festival or other. Ryu wakes up in the middle of the night and again hears the flutes and drums, so he opens the back door and discovers a festival is happening right
there, complete with lots of stalls selling food and other festival items. A mask maker gives him a frog mask, and then he enjoys something to drink together with an old man he meets as they watch a dance by crayfish and frogs dressed in yukata. Ryu also puts on his frog mask and joins in the dance, and the old man, who has now turned into a turtle, tells him that there used to be a river here. The night of the river festival is magical, and the sight of all the creatures dancing is beautiful. (Doi)

  • Text: IWAJO Hatsue | Ill. DEKUNE Iku
  • Froebel-kan
  • 2022
  • 32 pages
  • 28x23cm
  • ISBN 9784577050019
  • Ages 3 +

River, Festival, Fantasy