Rice Cakes
カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Books、おすすめ!日本の子どもの本、絵本/picture books

木版の素晴らしさを伝えようと木版工房を始めたふたりによる絵本。「あみの うえに おもちをのせて さあ やこう」。火鉢の網の上にのった四角い餅、丸い餅がふっくらと焼き上がっていく。火鉢の火の暖かさ、ゆっくりとお餅が焼き上がっていく様子を「ちりちり」「ぱりぱり」「ぷう ぷく」など、ふんだんな擬音語、擬態語と、柔らかな色彩の繊細な木版画で描き出す。いそべ餅、きなこ餅、あんこ餅、大根おろしのからみ餅、どれも本当においしそうだ。思わず手をのばしてお餅を食べようとする子どももいるだろう。(汐﨑)
出版社 | 福音館書店 |
初版年 | 2021年 |
ISBN | 978-4-8340-8635-5 |
ページ数 | 24頁 |
サイズ | 22x21cm |
対象年齢 | 3歳から |
キーワード | もち、火鉢、木版画 |
Rice Cakes
A picture book by two authors who started a woodblock printing studio to convey the wonder of woodblock prints. “Put the rice cakes on the grill and let’s cook!” Two rectangular and one round rice cakes placed on the Japanese hibachistyle brazier are heated by the burning charcoal and plump up as they are grilled. The rice cakes
slowly being cooked by the heat from the flames in the brazier are depicted in soft colours in these delicate woodblock prints, using plenty of onomatopoeic or mimetic words such as chirichiri (frizzle), paripari (crispy), pupuku (puffing up) and so forth. Wrapped in nori seaweed, dusted with roasted soybean flour, served with grated daikon radish—all of them look so delicious! Children won’t be able to stop themselves reaching out a hand to take one! (Shiozaki)
- Text/Ill. HIKOSAKA Yuki & MORITO Izumi
- Fukuinkan Shoten
- 2021
- 24 pages
- 22x21cm
- ISBN 978-4-8340-8635-5
- Ages 3 +
Rice cakes, Brazier, Woodblock prints