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Rhinoceros Are Disappearing from the World

味田村太郎 文 Text: Mitamura, Taro

カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Booksおすすめ!日本の子どもの本読みもの/chapter books and novelsノンフィクション/nonfiction



出版社 学研プラス
初版年 2021年
ISBN ISBN978-4-05- 205327-6
ページ数 120頁
サイズ 22×16
対象年齢 9歳から
キーワード アフリカ、サイ、環境、絶滅

Rhinoceros Are Disappearing from the World

Rhinoceros are hunted by poachers for their horns, and if things continue this way they could be extinct within twenty years. The author is a reporter from Japan’s national broadcaster NHK who covered the story in South Africa. With vivid prose and photos, she tells us how people are trying to prevent poaching and protect the rhinos, how they are protecting and raising rhino orphans, why poachers are so rampant, and how the Black Mamba, a women-only ranger unit that doesn’t carry weapons, works to prevent poaching by gaining the trust of local people. She draws readers attention to the fact that the earth does not belong only to humans, and that various species support each other. (Sakuma)

  • Text: Mitamura, Taro
  • Gakken
  • 2021
  • 120 pages
  • 22×16
  • ISBN ISBN978-4-05- 205327-6
  • Ages 9 +

Africa, Rhinoceros, Environment, Extinction