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A Calcium Tale that Starts with Teeth

伊沢尚子 作 | ダイスケ・ホンゴリアン 絵 Text: Isawa, Naoko | Ill. Daisuke・Hongorian

カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Booksおすすめ!日本の子どもの本絵本/picture booksノンフィクション/nonfiction



出版社 福音館書店
初版年 2021年
ISBN 978-4-8340-8594-5
ページ数 44頁
サイズ 20×20
対象年齢 7歳から
キーワード 歯、カルシウム、命の循環

A Calcium Tale that Starts with Teeth

This picture book introduces the cycling of calcium through different forms here on Earth, in a story that begins with a boy losing a tooth and ends with a girl growing a new one. When the boy buries his tooth in some soil, the calcium becomes part of a komatsuna plant, making its leaves crispy. When a snail eats the leaves, their calcium becomes part of its shell. Then, after a snail-eating beetle eats the snail, the calcium in the leftover shell dissolves in the earth and finds its way into Japanese beech tree leaves. From there, it travels into deer antlers, coral, parrotfish poop, and eventually seaweed; after a girl eats the seaweed, it helps to form her tooth. This book’s sophisticated design makes the concept clear. (Doi)

  • Text: Isawa, Naoko | Ill. Daisuke・Hongorian
  • Fukuinkan Shoten
  • 2021
  • 44 pages
  • 20×20
  • ISBN 978-4-8340-8594-5
  • Ages 7 +

Teeth, Calcium, Natural cycles