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This Is Scrolls of Frolicking Animals: The Origin of Japanese Comedy

結城昌子 構成・文 Text: Yuki, Masako

カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Booksおすすめ!日本の子どもの本絵本/picture booksノンフィクション/nonfiction



出版社 小学館
初版年 2021年
ISBN 978-4-09-727709-5
ページ数 40頁
サイズ 27×22
対象年齢 7歳から
キーワード マンガ、動物、名画、遊び

This Is Scrolls of Frolicking Animals: The Origin of Japanese Comedy

The Choju jinbutsu giga is a set of picture scrolls which dates back to the twelfth century. Not only are the scrolls designated national treasures, but many consider them to be the origin of Japanese manga. Based on the first scroll which follows the antics of anthropomorphic animals, the book focuses on a comical scene of a rabbit and a frog sumo wrestling and how that came about. Although the originals have no text, the book transforms each scene into a dramatic story. In the appendix, all the scenes from the first scroll are introduced, followed by an explanation of the contents of the second and third scroll as well. The humorous touch allows readers to fully experience the entertainment value of these ancient scrolls. (Nogami)

  • Text: Yuki, Masako
  • Shogakukan
  • 2021
  • 40 pages
  • 27×22
  • ISBN 978-4-09-727709-5
  • Ages 7 +

Manga, Animals, Masterpiece, Play