My Diagonal Stitch: The Boy Who Loves Crafts and the Cute Newbie
カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Books、おすすめ!日本の子どもの本、読みもの/chapter books and novels

出版社 | 偕成社 |
初版年 | 2020年 |
ISBN | 978- 4-03-649150-6 |
ページ数 | 192頁 |
サイズ | 19×13 |
対象年齢 | 13歳から |
キーワード | 手芸、部活、友だち、ジェンダー |
My Diagonal Stitch: The Boy Who Loves Crafts and the Cute Newbie
Yuto Harimiya is in his first year of junior high. He initially joined the soccer team and hid that he enjoys handicrafts, but then he summoned his courage and switched to the sewing club. The only other members are both girls: the president, who is a second-year student, and Yuto’s classmate Itoi. At their advisor’s recommendation, the club members sell accessories they created over Spring Break at a flea market. There, a girl who Yuto first thought was a boy, due to her hair and clothes, buys a pouch; she also joins the club at the beginning of the next term. For some reason, though, she seems upset with Yuto.
When Ogura, the new joiner, goes out to buy supplies to sew costumes for the drama club’s play, she runs into Yuto, and they end up going to the craft shop together. The shop’s owner is an androgynous Gothic Lolita named Momo, and when Ogura sees him, she questions his appearance and calls it “weird.” She and Yuto get into a fight. After that, Ogura sometimes skips meetings, and when the drama club suddenly alters its costume order, the sewing club president skips out as well. Yuto and Itoi struggle to repair the relationships in the club, and Yuto eventually comes to understand Ogura’s feelings.
The second in a series, My Diagonal Stitch is named after a blind stitch that is used in sewing to make seams invisible. By breaking down stereotypes about what is “boyish” and “girlish,” it refreshingly shows the importance of each person’s individuality and interests. (Nogami)
- Text: Kobe, Haruma | Ill. Ida, Chiaki
- Kaiseisha
- 2020
- 192 pages
- 19×13
- ISBN 978- 4-03-649150-6
- Ages 13 +
Crafts, Club activities, Friends, Gender