わたしのあのこ あのこのわたし(読みもの)
What She Is to Me, What I Am to Her
カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Books、おすすめ!日本の子どもの本、読みもの/chapter books and novels

『わたしのあのこ あのこのわたし』
出版社 | PHP研究所 |
初版年 | 2021年 |
ISBN | 978-4-569-78969-9 |
ページ数 | 208頁 |
サイズ | 20×14 |
対象年齢 | 11歳から |
キーワード | 個性、家庭、友情、親子 |
What She Is to Me, What I Am to Her
Fifth-grade Aki’s parents are not married, and she lives with her mother, but the family gets along well. They call her father by his first name, Michio. One day, Aki takes a record that Michio gave her to her friend Mocchi’s house to listen to, because unlike Aki, Mocchi has a record player. Aki is a little jealous of Mocchi living in a house with two parents and her brother. Unfortunately, while they are listening to Aki’s record, Mocchi’s little brother Shin shows up and scratches it. Aki, who often speaks without thinking, blames Mocchi for not stopping Shin; and Mocchi, who often struggles to explain her feelings to others, apologizes repeatedly. Aki soon regrets her words and actions, but her friendship with Mocchi grows strained for a while. Then, one day, Shin spikes a high fever while Mocchi’s mother is out, and Mocchi instinctively asks Aki for help. Aki does all she can.
This story’s scenes are narrated from Aki and Mocchi’s alternating points of view. Each girl’s way of feeling things, her struggles, the various misunderstandings, and the gradual recovery of a valued friendship are portrayed with care. Using the everyday interactions of two children who have different personalities and families, this book explores how people can interact and get along together and what friendship means. (Shiozaki)
- Text: Iwase, Joko | Ill. Ueji, Naoko
- PHP Institute
- 2021
- 208 pages
- 20×14
- ISBN 978-4-569-78969-9
- Ages 11 +
Individuality, Family, Friends, Parent and child