お江戸豆吉 けんか餅(読みもの)
Oedo Mamekichi: "Quarrel Rice Cakes"
カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Books、おすすめ!日本の子どもの本、読みもの/chapter books and novels

『お江戸豆吉 けんか餅』
出版社 | フレーベル館 |
初版年 | 2021年 |
ISBN | 978-4-577-04972-3 |
ページ数 | 192頁 |
サイズ | 19×13 |
対象年齢 | 11歳から |
キーワード | 江戸っ子、暮らし、和菓子、仕事 |
Oedo Mamekichi: "Quarrel Rice Cakes"
Eleven-year-old Mamekichi moves from the countryside to Edo (now Tokyo) to work as a live-in employee at Tsurukameya, a confectionery shop with a good reputation. The master and mistress and the other employees are all kind, but he has a hard time with twenty-three-year-old Yonezo, the shorttempered and quarrelsome young master. Yonezo is tall and scary. One day, furious with Yonezo for getting into a big fight with a customer, the master rented a small store for him in Asakusa and told him not to come back until he’d made a success of it. And of all things, he sent Mamekichi to keep an eye on him!
Mamekichi wanted to cry, but living and working with Yonezo, he gradually came to understand his personality and learned how to treat him. Yonezo was still quarrelsome, but he was extremely good at making sweets. He also gave credit to Mamekichi and told him to try making his own confections. Mamekichi couldn’t make the elegant thin rice cakes Yonezo was known for, but he came up with his own version of daifuku rice cakes filled with sweet bean paste. These proved especially popular with Tatsugoro, the customer with whom Yonezo had quarreled, and they were soon dubbed “quarrel rice cakes” and sold alongside Yonezo’s rice cakes as a store specialty.
This work depicts the daily life of spirited, quick-tempered Edoites. The fastpaced dialogue between the young master, Mamekichi, and the people around them is delightful, vividly conveying the liveliness of Edo. The text boxes entitled “Mamekichi’s Edo Trivia” are also interesting. (Shiozaki)
- Text: Kiryu, Tamaki | Ill. Noma, Yotaro
- Froebel-kan
- 2021
- 192 pages
- 19×13
- ISBN 978-4-577-04972-3
- Ages 11 +
Edoites, lifestyle, Japanese sweets, work