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Don't Cut Down the Silk Tree

岩瀬成子 作 | 植田真 絵 Text: Iwase, Joko | Ill. Ueda, Makoto

カテゴリー: 日中韓共同プロジェクトJapanese Children's Booksおすすめ!日本の子どもの本読みもの/chapter books and novels




出版社 文研出版
初版年 2020年
ISBN 978-4-580-82416-4
ページ数 160頁
サイズ 22×16
対象年齢 9歳から
キーワード 家族、木、自然、生と死

Don't Cut Down the Silk Tree

The grandfather of the main character had a very old silk tree in his garden. Birds always flock to it, and the grandfather used to boast that it was a gift from the birds. Now, however, it seems that the grownups want to cut it down because it’s too big, taller than the roof. It’s dangerous, they say. This makes the boy cry. “Grandpa always told me it was a good tree,” he tells his friends. “But they’re talking about cutting it.”
“Did they cut it down?” his friends ask.
“No, but they chopped off lots of branches,” the boy replies. Even that makes him feel sad for the tree.

Rumors are circulating that a ghost is haunting the garden where a veterinarian once lived. The boy becomes acutely aware that countless creatures, some so small we don’t even see them, are all born to die. Although this grieves him, he decides that he doesn’t ever want to forget this fact. The author eloquently conveys the emotions of this sensitive child whose heart is touched and troubled by the deaths of every living thing and who struggles with the difficulty of expressing these feelings in words. Instead, his feelings permeate the heart of the reader. The author has won well-deserved acclaim for her empathy for children and for her ability to portray their subtle emotions along with the questions that trouble their minds and their annoyance with the way grownups behave. She has been nominated for the 2022 Hans Christian Andersen Award. (Nogami)

  • Text: Iwase, Joko | Ill. Ueda, Makoto
  • Bunken Shuppan
  • 2020
  • 160 pages
  • 22×16
  • ISBN 978-4-580-82416-4
  • Ages 9 +

Family, Trees, Nature, Life and death