I Went to Paris
カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Books、おすすめ!日本の子どもの本、読みもの/chapter books and novels

けれど、「やっぱり へん」「みえるわけない」と言うはなちゃんに、めめちゃんは、お母さんのおへその穴から見ていたと言い張る。服を着ていたはずと追究するはなちゃんに対して、お母さんのワンピースのボタンの穴、スリップのレースのあいだ、さらにはパンツのお腹にも穴が開いていたとまで言いつのるうちに、服の穴から目がのぞく様子を想像して、ふたりとも大笑い。想像力あふれるめめちゃんの「うそ話」には、家族のひとりとして一緒にいたい一途な思いと、広い世界へのあこがれがつまっている。
出版社 | のら書店 |
初版年 | 2021年 |
ISBN | 978-4-905015-57-4 |
ページ数 | 48頁 |
サイズ | 22×17 |
対象年齢 | 7歳から |
キーワード | 姉妹、写真、想像力、笑い |
I Went to Paris
This book tells the story of young girl named Hana and her toddler sister, Meme. Together, they love looking at a photo album from a family trip to Paris. They enjoy the photo of a lunch eaten in Paul’s garden, and a photo from in front of the Saint-Germain-des-Prés abbey. The photos were taken when Hana was much smaller, and when Meme was still in their mother’s belly. Nonetheless, Meme talks of Paris as if the memories were her own. As she describes even the colors and smells of Paris, Hana almost feels that Meme is right! Then again, that seems quite strange. “How could you know all of that when you couldn’t see out?” Hana says. Meme replies that she could see out through their mother’s belly button! When Hana counters that their mother was wearing clothes, Meme says that she could see out through her mother’s buttonholes, the lace in her slip, and a hole in her underwear! As Hana and Meme continue their back-and-forth, and imagine an eye peeking out through an opening in their mother’s clothes, they dissolve in hearty laughter. Meme’s imaginative made-up stories show her wish to be a part of the family and her longing to see the unknown, wide world. This delightful story of two sisters features illustrations by the author with a pleasing combination of colors. It invites readers to experience how the sisters’ daily life is full of joy. (Okuyama)
- Text/Ill. Takadono, Hoko
- Nora Shoten
- 2021
- 48 pages
- 22×17
- ISBN 978-4-905015-57-4
- Ages 7 +
Sisters, Photography, Imagination, Laughter