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Wonderful to Be Alone

なかがわ ちひろ 作 Text/Ill. Nakagawa, Chihiro

カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Booksおすすめ!日本の子どもの本読みもの/chapter books and novels



その夜目をさました一平がベランダに出てみると、空には月も太陽もあり、そこは夜でも朝でもない時間。「うん、この ひとりぼっちは、きもちいい」。ひとりぼっちにも、いろいろな場合があり、慣れてしまうひとりぼっちもあるし、つらいひとりぼっちもある。また、何かすばらしいものを発見するのもひとりぼっちのときだと、本書は伝えている。見返しに、登場人物がそれぞれひとりぼっちの時間を楽しんでいる絵があるのも、想像の世界を広げてくれる。(さくま)

出版社 のら書店
初版年 2021年
ISBN 978-4-905015-58-1
ページ数 56頁
サイズ 21×16
対象年齢 7歳から
キーワード ひとり、迷子、カメ

Wonderful to Be Alone

Ippei is often on his own at school. If someone praises his drawing, he’ll start making another, but by the time he’s done, everyone is doing something else. Sometimes he trips and falls and gets left behind. One rainy day, Ippei comes home to find the door to his house locked. His knee is scraped from falling, and he’s cold and hungry. Lonely and forlorn, he sets off to find his mother but instead finds a lost turtle. Feeling sorry for it, he picks it up, but then gets lost himself. He’s frightened because he doesn’t recognize the shops or people. He stops to help an elderly woman who has dropped her potatoes. Realizing that Ippei is lost, the shopkeepers gather round, and a police officer takes care of him until his mother comes. This incident is a turning point after which Ippei connects more with the people around him. That night, he wakes up and steps out onto the veranda. Both the sun and the moon are visible; it’s neither morning nor night. “I like this kind of being alone,” he thinks. He realizes that some ways of being alone we can get used to, while other kinds are very hard. Ippei’s story makes us realize that it’s often when we’re alone that we discover something special. The flyleaf depicts the ways in which each character in the book enjoys being alone, expanding the reader’s mind, while the illustrations, which are also by the author, round out the story. (Sakuma)

  • Text/Ill. Nakagawa, Chihiro
  • Nora Shoten
  • 2021
  • 56 pages
  • 21×16
  • ISBN 978-4-905015-58-1
  • Ages 7 +

Alone, Lost, Turtle