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うさぎとハリネズミ きょうもいいひ(読みもの)

The Rabbit and The Hedgehog: Another Good Day

はら まさかず 文 | 石川えりこ 絵 Text: Hara, Masakazu | Ill. Ishikawa, Eriko

カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Booksおすすめ!日本の子どもの本読みもの/chapter books and novels




出版社 ひだまり舎
初版年 2021年
ISBN 978-4-909749-07-9
ページ数 64頁
サイズ 22×19
対象年齢 7歳から
キーワード ウサギ、ハリネズミ、友情

The Rabbit and The Hedgehog: Another Good Day

This easy-to-read book contains four stories depicting the daily lives of a rabbit and a hedgehog who live in the forest. In “Prickly and Fluffy,” the two friends set up a flea market for the hedgehog to sell some of his spines that have fallen out and the rabbit to sell his fluffy hair, but they don’t get any customers. Then the hedgehog sticks nuts on the spines to make them into marking pins, and the rabbit stuffs his hair into empty walnut shells to make pincushions, and all the forest animals flock to buy them. In “What I Want To Tell You,” the pair connect two walnut shells with a long thread to make a telephone, and ask each other, “Can you hear me? Can you hear me?” Then the rabbit tells the hedgehog to say something, and he whispers, “Thank you for being my friend.” In “For Tomorrow,” the hedgehog is moping because nothing good has happened today, but the rabbit cheers him up, saying “Try to remember what made you laugh the most.” In “Dandelion Seed,” there is a happy ending when a dandelion seed that the hedgehog had accidentally blown away when he sneezed ends up sprouting.

The introverted, pessimistic hedgehog and easy-going, cheerful rabbit are not quite on the same wavelength, but they are full of love for each other. The conversations between the two are leisurely, and the black-and-white illustrations on each page well convey the heartwarming atmosphere. This is a perfect book for children who have just learned to read. (Fukumoto)

  • Text: Hara, Masakazu | Ill. Ishikawa, Eriko
  • Hidamarisha
  • 2021
  • 64 pages
  • 22×19
  • ISBN 978-4-909749-07-9
  • Ages 7 +

Rabbits, Hedgehogs, Friendship