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The Talkative Jellyfish

あまん きみこ 作 | みずうち さとみ 絵 Text: Aman, Kimiko | Ill. Mizuuchi, Satomi

カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Booksおすすめ!日本の子どもの本絵本/picture books



出版社 JULA出版局発行 | フレーベル館発売
初版年 2020年
ISBN 978-4-577-61031-2
ページ数 36頁
サイズ 19×22
対象年齢 3歳から
キーワード クラゲ、釣り、お母さん

The Talkative Jellyfish

Yoshihei is out fishing one day when he catches a young jellyfish. He tries to return it to the sea, but it shouts “No!” and begs him not to, because it’ll be teased by all the other fish. And so the little jellyfish goes to live happily with Yoshihei, until one full-moon night its mother turns up to take it home. She tells her child how worried she’s been and that you shouldn’t decide your own actions just because of what others think of you. Yoshihei gives up fishing and sometimes goes to the sea to call on the little jellyfish. We see the little jellyfish’s daily life along with his relationship with his mother, and the various fish are humorously depicted in the embroidered illustrations. (Doi)

  • Text: Aman, Kimiko | Ill. Mizuuchi, Satomi
  • JULA Shuppankyoku
  • 2020
  • 36 pages
  • 19×22
  • ISBN 978-4-577-61031-2
  • Ages 3 +

Jellyfish, Fishing, Mother