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The Tree Flogs' Adventure

たての ひろし 作 | かわしま はるこ 絵 Text: Tateno, Hiroshi | Ill. Kawashima, Haruko

カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Booksおすすめ!日本の子どもの本絵本/picture books



出版社 世界文化社
初版年 2021年
ISBN 978-4-418-20815-9
ページ数 32頁
サイズ 27×24
対象年齢 3歳から
キーワード アマガエル、ヒキガエル、昆虫、冒険

The Tree Flogs' Adventure

Three little tree frogs, Ratta, Chimo, and Arno, go exploring the forest for the first time. To begin with they are excited and enjoying themselves, but there are all kinds of insects and creatures in the forest, and the principle of the survival of the fittest prevails there. They narrowly escape being caught and eaten by a bush cricket, a toad, and an owl. Eventually they realize that running away and hiding is not cowardly but a weapon for survival, and they feast themselves on small insects and then fall asleep in the hollow of a tree. This is a fun adventure story with illustrations, based on a good understanding of the way frogs live and the things they do. (Sakuma)

  • Text: Tateno, Hiroshi | Ill. Kawashima, Haruko
  • Sekaibunkasha
  • 2021
  • 32 pages
  • 27×24
  • ISBN 978-4-418-20815-9
  • Ages 3 +

Tree frogs, Toads, Insects, Adventure