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Forest of the Blakiston's Fish Owl

前川貴行 写真・文 text/illus. Maekawa, Takayuki

カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Booksおすすめ!日本の子どもの本絵本/picture booksノンフィクション/nonfiction

『しまふくろうの森』(Shimafukuro no mori)


出版社 あかね書房
初版年 2020年
ISBN 9784251099310
ページ数 48頁
サイズ 27×22
対象年齢 9歳から
キーワード 森 鳥 野生動物 神 環境

Forest of the Blakiston's Fish Owl

In the darkness, an owl spreads both wings wide and stares straight ahead with piercing eyes. The symmetrical, striking photo on this book’s cover leaves an instant impression. The Blakiston’s Fish Owl used to live throughout Hokkaido, the northernmost part of Japan, but since development dramatically reduced the amount of forest and the number of large, oldgrowth trees with cavities, where the owls nest, they have been driven nearly to extinction, with less than 100 alive at one point. The indigenous Ainu people revere them as gods of the forest. This book explores the owls’ habitat and growth, beginning at chick stage, using rare photographs and with Hokkaido’s rich nature and contrasting seasons in the background. These majestic gods of the forest, facing extinction, seem to see right through humans’ folly in harming the environment with their penetrating gaze. (Nogami)

  • text/illus. Maekawa, Takayuki
  • Akane Shobo
  • 2020
  • 48 pages
  • 27×22
  • ISBN 9784251099310
  • Ages 9 +

Forest, Birds, Wildlife, Gods, Environment