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My Book of Pine Cones

盛口満 絵・文 text/illus. Moriguchi, Mitsuru

カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Booksおすすめ!日本の子どもの本絵本/picture booksノンフィクション/nonfiction

『ひろった・あつめた ぼくのマツボックリ図鑑』(Hirotta. atusmeta boku no matsubokkuri zukan)


出版社 岩崎書店
初版年 2020年
ISBN 9784265043750
ページ数 36頁
サイズ 29×22
対象年齢 3歳から
キーワード マツボックリ 松 タネ 野生動物

My Book of Pine Cones

This picture book introduces lots and lots of pine cones, which children seem to love just like acorns. The author has gathered pine cones of many types, shapes and sizes. Detailed illustrations show them from the top, from the sides, and even on the inside where seeds can be found. We learn that pine cones open “umbrellas” to scatter seed when the air is dry, and sometimes when mountain wildfires generate heat. This is a shrewd strategy to get seeds into the ground as quickly as possible. The author not only helps us identify pine cones we might find, but also asks (for example) how a pine cone curved like a fried shrimp might present traces of an animal eating. Readers enjoy intriguing finds in atypical shapes, and the fun of making discoveries in nearby nature. (Sakaguchi)

  • text/illus. Moriguchi, Mitsuru
  • Iwasaki Shoten
  • 2020
  • 36 pages
  • 29×22
  • ISBN 9784265043750
  • Ages 3 +

Pine cones, Pine trees, Seeds, Wildlife