Dad, Mom, and Me
カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Books、おすすめ!日本の子どもの本、読みもの/chapter books and novels

『父さんと、母さんと、ぼく―ラビントットと空の魚 第五話』(To-san to, ka-san to, boku: Rabintotto to sora no sakana dai go wa )
出版社 | 福音館書店 |
初版年 | 2020年 |
ISBN | 9784834085600 |
ページ数 | 252頁 |
サイズ | 20×14 |
対象年齢 | 11歳から |
キーワード | 異世界 漁師 ファンタジー |
Dad, Mom, and Me
This is the fif th and final book in the series Rabintotto, the Fisherboy of the Sky. The setting is a parallel world called Tonkana, where fish fly through the sky, birds swim in the earth, and the inhabitants of the surface are not humans, but mysterious people. The main character is a fisherman’s son named Rabintotto, who hails from a long-eared clan and is apprenticing to become a fisherman himself one day. He is afraid of heights, however, and he runs away from his master. He decides to support himself by catching sardines, which move low in the sky only at dawn.
The first four volumes of this series are The Tuna’s Dandelion Fishing, Happy are the Prepared, Riddle of the Red Moon, and A Village of Forest Thieves. Throughout the series, Rabintotto goes through mishaps and surprise encounters on an unending, unchosen journey of adventures.
In this fifth volume, as Rabintotto is journeying toward his home, he hears that many have been threatened by spinetail devil rays, and he hurries to the scene: Tsukimi (Moon Viewing) Mountain. Rabintotto saves the spinetail devil ray child that caused the disturbance, and then he hears that long ago on this mountain, there was a history of long-eared tribes fighting. He also learns that his fear of heights was not innate, and that there has been a great gulf between his mother’s family and his father. Upon visiting his parents’ relatives, he is told that he can stay, but having learned his roots and history, Rabintotto vows to become a proper fisherman after all and sets out on a new journey.
This fantasy is fun to read, with illustrations that aptly convey Rabintotto’s world. (Sakuma)
- text: Ochi, Noriko | illus. Nishizaka, Hiromi
- Fukuinkan Shoten
- 2020
- 252 pages
- 20×14
- ISBN 9784834085600
- Ages 11 +
Parallel world, Fisherman, Fantasy