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Sea Cucumber Paradise

本川達雄 作/こしだミカ 絵 Text: Motokawa, Tatsuo | Illus. Koshida, Mika

カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Booksおすすめ!日本の子どもの本ノンフィクション/nonfiction

『ナマコ天国』(Namako tengoku)


出版社 偕成社
初版年 2019年
ISBN 9784034372708
ページ数 44頁
サイズ 28×22
対象年齢 5歳から
キーワード ナマコ 海洋生物 多様性

Sea Cucumber Paradise

They have neither eyes nor ears nor nose, nor heart nor brain. Rub them and they disintegrate, but a few weeks later they’re back. Cut them in half, and two grow! Sea cucumbers challenge our very concept of living creatures. They do not flee, hide, or fight; they may eat nothing but sand, and then excrete the unneeded bits. As this book describes them from various angles, they come to seem very peaceful, simple creatures. Learning how a being wholly different from oneself lives, leads readers to a reverence that is the hidden message of this work. The writer is a biologist known in Japan for the bestseller Elephant Time, Mouse Time. The artist’s bold, humorous illustrations show her affection and respect for sea cucumbers. The end of the book features music notation for a song, all about sea cucumbers! (Hiromatsu)

  • Text: Motokawa, Tatsuo | Illus. Koshida, Mika
  • Kaiseisha
  • 2019
  • 44 pages
  • 28×22
  • ISBN 9784034372708
  • Ages 5 +

Sea cucumbers, Sea life, Diversity