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Here Comes Haru!

まはら三桃 作/田中寛崇 絵 Text: Mahara, Mito | Illus. Tanaka, Hirotaka

カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Booksおすすめ!日本の子どもの本読みもの/chapter books and novels

青がやってきた 表紙

『青がやってきた』(Haru ga yatte kita)


出版社 偕成社
初版年 2017年
ISBN 978-4-03-649050-9
ページ数 214頁
サイズ 19×13
対象年齢 10歳から
キーワード 転校 サーカス 不思議

Here Comes Haru!

This collection of short stories realistically portrays the daily lives, environments, and problems of elementary school fifth grade children in five regions of Japan. Haru, a circus boy who never spends much time in one school as his family is constantly on the move, plays a supporting role throughout the book. His father is a magician in the world-famous Dream Circus, and Haru makes new friends at every new school he attends. Mio, who lives in Kagoshima, is worried about being bad at studying, while Mai, who lives in Fukuoka, has a complex about her appearance and an awkward relationship with her best friend. In Yamaguchi, Haru catches straight A student Shu sneaking the vegetables from school lunch into a plastic bag to hide them, and in Osaka he asks Kazuki to help him get a circus dog back from the mean old man next door, while in Chiba Koki presses Haru to use magic to bring back his father who was swept away when the tsunami hit in Miyagi. The book ends with a conversation between Haru and his father in the car as the circus heads to its next location. The children Haru meets all grow psychologically, but is that because the eccentric new boy Haru placed a spell on them, or was it a natural result from having met him? The author leaves this point open to the reader’s imagination. Each of the stories ends on an upbeat note, making the reader feel positive, so it is recommended for children not generally fond of reading. (Sakuma)

  • Text: Mahara, Mito | Illus. Tanaka, Hirotaka
  • Kaiseisha
  • 2017
  • 214 pages
  • 19×13
  • ISBN 978-4-03-649050-9
  • Ages 10 +

School transfers, Circuses, Magic