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My Friend, Toki

岩瀬成子 作/植田真 絵 Text: Iwase, Joko | Illus. Ueda, Makoto

カテゴリー: 日中韓共同プロジェクトJapanese Children's Booksおすすめ!日本の子どもの本読みもの/chapter books and novels

ともだちのときちゃん 表紙


『ともだちの ときちゃん』(Tomodachi no Toki chan)


出版社 フレーベル館
初版年 2017年
ISBN 978-4-577-04574-9
ページ数 72頁
サイズ 22×16
対象年齢 6歳から
キーワード 友だち 性格 のんびり屋

My Friend, Toki

Satsuki, a girl in her second year of elementary school, likes to chat and get things done. Her classmate Toki-chan, on the other hand, often cannot answer questions quickly and takes her time with things. At the request of Toki-chan’s mother, Satsuki walks to school with Toki-chan daily and spends lots of time with her. But when Toki-chan moves slowly, Satsuki often grows frustrated, and when Satsuki can’t stand to wait anymore, she sometimes goes ahead, thinking to herself, “Surely this isn’t mean.” At first, Satsuki thinks Toki-chan strange because she can watch a line of ants by the roadside endlessly, and she says things like, “The tree is living, so it’s not the same tree it was yesterday.” But Satsuki eventually comes to see that because Toki-chan takes her time, she sees and feels things that others cannot. Satsuki’s story, which is told in the straightforward words of a seven-year-old, shows how she changes and grows through her friendship with someone who has quite a different personality and way of doing things. The illustrations lend a gentle touch that calms the heart. (Shirota)

  • Text: Iwase, Joko | Illus. Ueda, Makoto
  • Froebell-kan
  • 2017
  • 72 pages
  • 22×16
  • ISBN 978-4-577-04574-9
  • Ages 6 +

Friendship, Personality, Taking one’s time