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Line Up Vegetables, All in the Line

ひろかわさえこ 作 Text/Illus. Hirokawa, Saeko

カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Booksおすすめ!日本の子どもの本絵本/picture books

ぞろりぞろりとやさいがね 表紙

『ぞろりぞろりと やさいがね』(Zorori zorori to yasai ga ne)


出版社 偕成社
初版年 2017年
ISBN 978-4-03-232490-7
ページ数 4頁
サイズ 25×21
対象年齢 4歳から
キーワード 野菜 月夜 デモ行進

Line Up Vegetables, All in the Line

One moonlit night when the people have gone to bed, vegetables neglected in a corner of the kitchen rouse themselves and leave the house. Vegetables from many houses converge in a fallow field and plot revenge against the humans, who have let them decay. But an insect priest and monk stop them. They urge the vegetables not to grow rotten to their core. Instead, they can return to the soil and be reborn as delicious vegetables. This delightful picture book nudges us to make the most of food and be kind to Nature. The features of each vegetable and insect are skillfully rendered to make them seem human. The end proffers some useful veggie wisdom. (Hiromatsu)

  • Text/Illus. Hirokawa, Saeko
  • Kaiseisha
  • 2017
  • 4 pages
  • 25×21
  • ISBN 978-4-03-232490-7
  • Ages 4 +

Vegetables, Moonlit nights, Protest marches