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The Horse in the Tapestry

やえがしなおこ 作/つかさおさむ 絵 Text: Yaegashi, Naoko | Illus. Tsukasa, Osamu

カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Books絵本/picture books

にしきのなかの馬 表紙

『にしきのなかの馬』(Nishiki no naka no uma)

出版社 童心社
初版年 2015年
ISBN 9784494015467
ページ数 32頁
サイズ 26×26
対象年齢 7歳から
キーワード むかしばなし 東北地方 愛

The Horse in the Tapestry

Aya, the daughter of a wealthy family, receives a white colt soon after her mother dies. She names him Saburo and cares for him so devotedly that her father fears she will never marry and sells the horse. Saburo appears to Aya in a dream and tells her to weave a tapestry with him in the middle. She does as she is told and finds that she can still meet him inside the brocade. War, however, brings tragedy to the pair. The computer graphics have a translucent quality that captures the poignancy of their fate. <Doi>

  • Text: Yaegashi, Naoko | Illus. Tsukasa, Osamu
  • Doshinsha
  • 2015
  • 32 pages
  • 26×26
  • ISBN 9784494015467
  • Ages 7 +

Folktale; Tohoku region; Love