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ぼくの ちぃぱっぱ(読みもの)

My Pet Bird Cheepa

長江優子 作 | 早川世詩男 絵 Text: NAGAE Yuko | Ill. HAYAKAWA Yoshio

カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Booksおすすめ!日本の子どもの本読みもの/chapter books and novels

『ぼくの ちぃぱっぱ』

マンション18 階の「ぼく」の家から、飼っていたオカメインコの「チーパ」がいなくなってしまう。両親も「ぼく」も、近所を探したり、たずね鳥のポスターを作ったりするが、なかなか見つからない。鳥かごのとびらやベランダを開けっ放しにしてしまった両親は、鳥を飼うことの責任を痛感し、一方「ぼく」は、目がチカチカしたり、へんなものが見えたり、聞き間違えたり、言い間違えたり……。同じマンションにすむムツくんは、「ぼく」の世界が、チーパのいない「ヒニチジョウ」になってしまったのだと言う。

出版社 ゴブリン書房
初版年 2022年
ISBN 978-4-902257-43-4
ページ数 144頁
サイズ 21x16cm
対象年齢 9歳から
キーワード 鳥、ペット、街、友だち

My Pet Bird Cheepa

Itaru, a year 3 elementary school student who lives in an 18th floor apartment, loses his pet cockatiel Cheepa. He and his parents search the neighborhood and make posters to look for the missing bird, but are unable to find him. His parents keenly feel responsible since they’d left the cage and balcony doors open. Itaru fights back tears and he sees strange things, mishears things, and says things he doesn’t mean… His classmate Mutsu, who lives in the same apartment building, comments that his world has been turned upside down without Cheepa.
However, in his new reality Itaru now sees many things he didn’t used to and becomes adept at finding lost items at school, and his classmates end up helping him search for Cheepa. Thanks especially to his interactions with classmates Mutsu, who loves insects, and Washio, who follows Indian rose ringed parakeets, he gradually comes to accept life without Cheepa.
The story sensitively tracks the feelings of animal-loving children through the loss of a pet. It is also set against an evocative backdrop of an urban neighborhood that is a mix of office district, traditional shopping street, high-rise condominiums, and a botanical park. (Okuyama)

  • Text: NAGAE Yuko | Ill. HAYAKAWA Yoshio
  • Goblin Shobo
  • 2022
  • 144 pages
  • 21x16cm
  • ISBN 978-4-902257-43-4
  • Ages 9 +

Birds, Pets, Town, Friends