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長倉洋海 写真・文 text/photos: Nagakura, Hiromi

カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Booksおすすめ!日本の子どもの本絵本/picture booksノンフィクション/nonfiction



出版社 アリス館
初版年 2020年
ISBN 9784752009375
ページ数 40頁
サイズ 26×20
対象年齢 9歳から
キーワード 世界 幸せ 生きる意味


Photojournalist Nagakura has taken photos of children the world over while asking, “Why were humans born?” “Where do we belong?” “What is the meaning in living?” He has asked these questions in places where bullets fly, such as Afghanistan and Kosovo; in a refugee camp in El Salvador; in Greenland with its extreme cold; and on the Arabian Peninsula with its scorching heat. He has met all kinds of people living in different ways in contrasting environments. Now, Nagakura says, what he was searching for is in his own hands. This picture book invites us to experience touching photos and text and to think together with the author. (Sakuma)

  • text/photos: Nagakura, Hiromi
  • Alice-kan
  • 2020
  • 40 pages
  • 26×20
  • ISBN 9784752009375
  • Ages 9 +

World, Happiness, Meaning in life