Grass Friends (from Korea)
カテゴリー: 日中韓共同プロジェクト、絵本/picture books

出版社 | ウンジンジュニア(웅진주니어) |
初版年 | 2019年 |
ISBN | 9788901233406 |
ページ数 | 40頁 |
サイズ | 230x280mm |
対象年齢 | |
キーワード | 環境、芝生、自然破壊、共生 |
Grass Friends (from Korea)
One day, the friends of the grass come to visit the grass that lives on a golf course to hang out. However, laborers working on the course come to cut the grass and spread herbicides. This traumatic experience leaves the grass damaged and confused. As they grow back again, their buried memories return, and they remember the friends removed for this artificial paradise. This picture book shows readers the importance of living life together in harmony by illustrating human selfishness and their violent attacks on nature.
- Saida
- Woongin Junior
- 2019
- 40 pages
- 230x280mm
- ISBN 9788901233406